Error when creating 10bit monochrome DPX files

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Error when creating 10bit monochrome DPX files

Post by aberkl »

Hi all,

not sure this is really a bug or just a very stupid user: I try to create a 10bit monochrome DPX with the following command:

Code: Select all

convert -depth 10 -size 20x10 xc:gray gray10bit.dpx

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identify -verbose gray10bit.dpx
returns an error at the end of the output:
identify: Unexpected end-of-file `gray10bit.dpx': No such file or directory @ error/dpx.c/ReadDPXImage/1223.

The output of identify -verbose tells me in the histogram-section something very odd for a flat gray image, the file contains 4 different shades of gray where it should be only a single value for all 200 pixels.
20: ( 0, 0, 0) #000000000000 black
60: ( 1986, 1986, 1986) #07C207C207C2 rgb(3.03044%,3.03044%,3.03044%)
60: (32351,32351,32351) #7E5F7E5F7E5F rgb(49.3645%,49.3645%,49.3645%)
60: (36899,36899,36899) #902390239023 rgb(56.3043%,56.3043%,56.3043%)

Opening the file i.e. with XNView confirms that there really are 4 different colors. Using imdisplay.exe to open it also creates the "Unexpected end-of-file" error message from identify -verbose.

I tried to force the output to be of type TrueColor - same results.

Code: Select all

convert -type TrueColor -depth 10 -size 20x10 xc:gray gray10bitTrueColor.dpx
Doing the same thing with a blue image works perfectly, flat blue image with one single value in the histogram, no problems with viewers:

Code: Select all

convert -depth 10 -size 20x10 xc:blue blue10bit.dpx
I am using ImageMagick for Windows:
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.9-8 2010-02-18 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP

Best, Andreas
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Re: Error when creating 10bit monochrome DPX files

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a fix. Look for it in ImageMagick 6.5.9-10 within a day or two. Thanks.
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Re: Error when creating 10bit monochrome DPX files

Post by aberkl »

Hi magick,

that was a fast one! Thanks and looking forward for the fix.

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