convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

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convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

Post by L F »

Hello! I've noticed a bug long time ago, not only in the current 6.6.0-6. "convert" gives black for tiff source file if it has most-significant byte order. Is it possible to fix recompiling ImageMagick with some special parameters or add some parameter to "convert" command ?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

Post by fmw42 »

You can also specify the 'endian' ordering for binary integers in the format
-endian MSB -endian LSB

see ... php#endian

Re: convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

Post by L F »

Thanks for the answer. But the option doesn't work for me, the same resulting black square for command
convert -endian MSB -resize 64x64 file1.tiff result.jpeg

In ImageMagick 5.5.7 for example the above command worked (even without endian option) for the same file.

The source file is big endian (MSB), 16-bits, most of values are between in [1926, 2250] range. Looks like ImageMagick doesn't take in account MSB/LSB when converting to 8-bits jpeg.
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Re: convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

Post by fmw42 »

try using IM 6 syntax with the input image right after convert the options following:

convert file1.tiff -endian MSB -resize 64x64 result.jpeg


If that does not work, post a link to your image so others can test it.

What version of IM are you using?

Re: convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

Post by L F »

Shifted option doesn't work also.
Source file:
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Re: convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

Post by magick »

ImageMagick is behaving correctly. You need to expand the pixel range before its transformed to 8-bit. Try -normalize or -evaluate multiply 30.

Re: convert with tiff MSB (Motorolla byte order)

Post by L F »

Thanks a lot! "normalize" works.
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