Reply for old thread, but I think it is same issue.
I finally got latest version of IM from macports working, but I still get this kind of trouble with rectangles using
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.5-5 2013-05-21 Q16
convert UV522_RVK_25.tif.png -stroke red -fill none -draw "stroke-opacity 0.5 stroke-width 20 rectangle 1140,800 6780,10400" V512AA.pdf
Rectangle will be irregular width stroke. 20 wide shows this well. 1px wide works apparently OK, but if I do multible 1 px draws with same time it again has problems
convert UV522_RVK_25.tif.png -crop 3x1+1140+800@ -page A3 -units PixelsPerInch -density 72 -stroke red -fill none -draw "stroke-opacity 0.5 stroke-width 10 rectangle 1140,800 6780,10400" -draw "stroke-opacity 0.5 stroke-width 10 rectangle 1139,799 6781,10401" -draw "stroke-opacity 0.5 stroke-width 10 rectangle 1138,798 6782,10402" -draw "stroke-opacity 0.5 stroke-width 10 rectangle 1137,797 6783,10403" -draw "stroke-opacity 0.5 stroke-width 10 rectangle 1136,796 6784,10404" -draw "stroke-opacity 0.5 stroke-width 10 rectangle 1135,795 6785,10405" V512BB.pdf
(files are 30MB)
Any hint for workaround would be nice.