I pulled ImageMagicObject source and I am trying to figure out how to modify it to access STDERR. Some IM commands output info to STDERR. Like the compare command outputs location info to STDERR. Example using command line:
compare -metric rmse -dissimilarity-threshold 1 c:\temp\main.bmp c:\temp\sub.bmp c:\result.bmp 2>c:\temp\loc.txt
When using ImageMagickObject I don't see how to access STDERR. Is there a way? Example using ImageMagickObject and Excel VBA:
Sub TestCompare()
Dim imgObj As Object
Dim loc As Variant
Dim mainImage As String
Dim subImage As String
Dim resultImage As String
mainImage = "C:\temp\main.bmp"
subImage = "C:\temp\sub.bmp"
resultImage = "C:\temp\result.bmp"
Set imgObj = CreateObject("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")
loc = imgObj.Compare("-metric", "rmse", "-dissimilarity-threshold", "1", mainImage, subImage, resultImage)
Set imgObj = Nothing
End Sub
Do any developers have any ideas on how to modify ImageMagikObject to enable STDERR to be seen. I studied the code and it was not obvious.