WriteBlob: Assertion `image->blob->type != UndefinedStream'

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WriteBlob: Assertion `image->blob->type != UndefinedStream'

Post by hunterford »

Hi Guys,

I'm getting this vague error trying to convert a PSD to stdout.

I've tried converting to a file (instead of stdout) using different output formats, but it always seems to raise this error. It works fine on a clean install on my Macintosh (10.6). The error I'm receiving is on a fresh install on Fedora Core 8.

Code: Select all

[python-server] html $ /usr/local/bin/convert /var/www/html/media/uploads/2010/3/3/testPSD.psd png:-     
convert: magick/blob.c:3871: WriteBlob: Assertion `image->blob->type != UndefinedStream' failed.
I'm also occasionally receiving this:

Code: Select all

[Wed May 05 13:04:07 2010] [error] convert: unable to open image `png:-':  @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2491.
Thanks again for your help.
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Re: WriteBlob: Assertion `image->blob->type != UndefinedStre

Post by magick »

Which version of ImageMagick are you using? Can you post a URL so we can download your PSD image and see if we can reproduce the problem?
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