Debug Assertion failed when debugging fx parser in VS 2008

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Debug Assertion failed when debugging fx parser in VS 2008

Post by fabrizio108 »

When i debug the fx parser in VisualStudio 2008, i get the following error: Debug Assertion Failed! Expression (unsigned)(c+1)<=256. This is due to negative values with which is filled the vector "subexpression" in function FxEvaluateSubexpression(file /magick/fx.c).
To avoid this little problem is will be enough to use this routine to fill the vector, at the beginning of the function, with null values:

for(i = 0; i < MaxTextExtent; i++)
subexpression = 0;

In this way the assertion does't fail and the debug is possible. Also avoid random filled vector at the beginning of the function.

Best Regards
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Re: Debug Assertion failed when debugging fx parser in VS 20

Post by magick »

Thanks for the problem report. We'll get a patch into ImageMagick 6.6.1-10 Beta by sometime tomorrow.
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