Code: Select all
$text = "DJ Mike";
$font = "lokicola.ttf";
$fontsize = 100;
#$fontcolor = "#aa0000";
$fontcolor = "#ffff88";
$file = "banner.gif";
$glow_radius = 3;
# Three glow colors
$glow = array( "#ff0000", "#ff8800", "#ffff00" );
$delay = 15;
# moves text down
$offset = 12;
# make a black pallete
$pallete = new Imagick;
$pallete->newimage(375,140, "#000000");
# set pallet format to gif
# make a draw object with settings
$draw = new imagickdraw();
# clone pallete to make 3 blank frames
$frame_0 = $pallete->clone();
$frame_1 = $pallete->clone();
$frame_2 = $pallete->clone();
# put them in an array
$frames = array($frame_0, $frame_1, $frame_2);
# loop through frames, double glow radius each time, annotate
foreach( $frames as $frame)
# Loop through glow colors, annotate and blur
foreach( $glow as $color)
$frame->annotateImage ( $draw,0 ,$offset, 0, $text );
$frame->annotateImage ( $draw,0 ,$offset, 0, $text );
$frame->BlurImage( $glow_radius, $glow_radius );
# top layer of text over glow
# center annotate on top of offset annotates
$frame->annotateImage ( $draw,0 ,$offset, 0, $text );
# double glow radius for next loop
$glow_radius = $glow_radius*2;
# add frames
# slow it down a little
# write frames
$frame_0->writeimages( "$file", FALSE);
# write animation
$frame_0->writeimages( "$file", TRUE);
# send some HTML to the browser to show the results
<body bgcolor="black" text="white">
<img src="banner.gif"><hr>
<img src="banner-0.gif"><br>
<img src="banner-1.gif"><br>
<img src="banner-2.gif">