MagickWand for PHP is an object-oriented PHP interface to ImageMagick. Use this forum to discuss, make suggestions about, or report bugs concerning MagickWand for PHP.
Use PDF to Images Converter to convert your PDF documents and save PDF files as different images format including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PCX, TGA etc.
With PDF to Images tool, you can convert multiple PDF documents at once; you can select any pages to convert ; you can set options for your images format like output type, output colour and resolution...
I'd like to point out that counting PDF pages with ImageMagick can be more intensive than you think. Even if you use identify instead of convert, ghostscript will still crunch through the entire PDF. If it's a big PDF, you might just find your CPU maxed and memory consumed until you're out of memory (at least on my 6.5.7-8).