From the function...
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static MagickRealType Gaussian(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
return(exp((double) (-2.0*x*x))*sqrt(2.0/MagickPI));
generated by the function
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static MagickRealType Gaussian(const MagickRealType x,
const ResizeFilter *magick_unused(resize_filter))
Unnormalized Gaussian with variance sqrt(pi)/(4*sqrt(2)):
exp(-2 x^2/sqrt(pi/2))
const MagickRealType alpha = -sqrt((double) (8.0/MagickPIL));
return(exp((double) (alpha*x*x)));
As the curve is now higher, the normalization of weightings will cause the spread to be
lower, which makes the curve much closer to both the Quadratic and Cubic filter curves
This may mean that the new form is the 'correct' one. But I will not know unless I can
review my Gaussian research notes (at home).
Nicholas, can you shed some light on this?
graphs were generated from the filter can be extracted using
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convert xc: -filter Gaussian -set option:filter:verbose 1 -resize 2x2 null: