when i process my tif images they come out very vivid ie greens that should look like leaves are almost glowing.
this is the process
Code: Select all
# Preserve colour profiles? (omit for smaller sizes)
$profile="+profile \"*\" -colorspace RGB"; # By default, strip the colour profiles ('+' is remove the profile, confusingly)
if ($imagemagick_preserve_profiles && $id!="thm" && $id!="col" && $id!="pre" && $id!="scr") {$profile="";}
$runcommand = $command ." +matte $profile -resize " . $tw . "x" . $th . "\">\" ".escapeshellarg($path);
# echo $runcommand."<br>";
# Add a watermarked image too?
global $watermark;
if (isset($watermark) && ($ps[$n]["internal"]==1 || $ps[$n]["allow_preview"]==1))
if (file_exists($path)) {unlink($path);}
$watermarkreal=dirname(__FILE__) ."/../" . $watermark;
$runcommand = $command ." +matte $profile -resize " . $tw . "x" . $th . "\">\" -tile ".escapeshellarg($watermarkreal)." -draw \"rectangle 0,0 $tw,$th\" ".escapeshellarg($path);
# echo $runcommand;