Wrong colors after converting of some *.pct (PICT) images.

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Wrong colors after converting of some *.pct (PICT) images.

Post by wasow »

When I try to convert such *.pct images to *.jpg (or to another format):

Code: Select all

$ identify -verbose PICT.pct | grep -ie format -e colorspace
  Format: PICT (Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT)
  Colorspace: RGB

$ convert -size 3072x2048 -quality 100 -colorspace RGB PICT.pct PICT.JPG
I get image with strange (wrong) colors. [http://narod.ru/disk/25469639000/PICT.JPG.html]
From the most of known image converters and viewers I've found only two wich can correct view/convert these images: ImageConverter Plus (but in small resolution) and QuickTime (but can't convert).

Old version of ImageMagick's Converter (6.3.4 05/11/07 under wine) is more successful but with color bads. [http://narod.ru/disk/25470983000/PICT_old.JPG.html]

I guess the file [http://narod.ru/disk/25468836000/PICT.pct.html] is not corrupted, because I have hundred files with these symptoms.

Are there some workarounds?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Wrong colors after converting of some *.pct (PICT) image

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you reported. It may be some time before we get around to fixing the problem since the PICT image format is difficult to work support.
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