set creation software image property for all image formats.

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set creation software image property for all image formats.

Post by wizards »

Hi All.

I am using image magick library and visual C++ for my task.

I built image magick library (Image magick 6.6.5)with 16 bit.

I am loading TIF image with the following image property.

Creation Software: Adobe Photo shop CS2 Windows.

After that i am applying some changes to image and then save image with the following code.

m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );

After this my image property will change into the following.

Creation Software:company name.

The above code "m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );" is working good only for tiff images.

How can i change same property for all image formats.i.e JPEG, DPx,PNG,BMP or GIFF etc.

Please help me anyone to get this solution.

Thanks in advance.
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