8BIM and IPTC can't be read

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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8BIM and IPTC can't be read

Post by dirk1976 »

There is a problem by reading the 8BIM/IPTC segment and writing it to a file.

>convert test_with_iptc.jpg IPTC:out.iptc
Magick: no IPTC data is available `out.iptc' @ error/meta.c/WriteMETAImage/2285.

>convert test_with_iptc.jpg 8BIM:out.8bim
Magick: no 8BIM data is available `out.8bim' @ error/meta.c/WriteMETAImage/2266.

I test it with an older version (6.5.7-Q8) and all works fine.
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Re: 8BIM and IPTC can't be read

Post by magick »

Post a URL to your image. We need to download it and reproduce the problem before we can comment.
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Re: 8BIM and IPTC can't be read

Post by dirk1976 »

It seems it have something to do with the bug '8BIM data length is wrong' (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17030) because I get an similar error by reading an image file (8BIM data length wrong) with an older imagemagick version (6.5.7-Q8)

convert: no IPTC profile available `out.iptc' @ meta.c/WriteMETAImage/2285.
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Re: 8BIM and IPTC can't be read

Post by dirk1976 »

A test file can be download from http://rapidshare.com/files/428475706/t ... h_iptc.jpg
I run the command:
>convert test_iptc.jpg IPTC:out.iptc
Magick: no 8BIM data is available `out.iptc' @ error/meta.c/WriteMETAImage/2285.
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Re: 8BIM and IPTC can't be read

Post by magick »

Your download link does not work.
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Re: 8BIM and IPTC can't be read

Post by dirk1976 »

Please use this link http://bit.ly/bKGiO5
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