IM enhanced with rsvg library

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IM enhanced with rsvg library

Post by honyk »

Hello Everyone,

I've found default IM SVG to PNG conversion too limited. On the other hand, I've tested stand-alone conversion using rsvg library and it fully satisfies my needs. After having read I think there is a chance to get it to work together, but I am end user, not developer.
My use case is a quite simple dynamic PHP conversion. It means I have to persuade webhosting company to use rsvg enhanced IM version instead of the conventional one (in linux environment). I am trying to get as much info as possible. Is there already any build for linux with rsvg library? If so, is it necessary to install any additional library to that system or is it everything inside IM already?
If such build is not available, is there any step-by-step procedure described somewhere how to achieve that? I hope all this is not too difficult to scare my future webhoster ;-) I don't think he would accept files provided by me (security risk) so I am trying to find info for him...

Thanks in advance for any tips.

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