Anthony's solution works great!!! I will write up the bug.
weatherbadger wrote:
My suspicions are that the chart plotting software which gives a transparent background to the snow image has moved the transparency setting goalposts somehow... GreenKoopa - you said one uses transp white, and one transp black, and one indexed palette - not quite sure how to check that (or what it means!) but perhaps I can change that when the first images are created - that may be up to me then, but perhaps you can advise on how to check the difference between transparent black/white.
This apparently only mattered because of that bug.
> identify USAsnow4.png
USAsnow4.png PNG 600x600 600x600+0+0 8-bit PseudoClass 11c 12.3KB 0.000u 0:00.000
so an 11 color
indexed palette
> identify transp_rain4.png
transp_rain4.png PNG 600x600 600x600+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 37.9KB 0.000u 0:00.000
As for the color of the transparency, I opened the images in
Paint.NET and used the eyedropper. I'm sure other image editors will work. Transparent pixels can be black, white, any other color, and even vary from pixel to pixel. Sometimes this is for a reason, sometimes not.
-alpha background can be used to set the color of transparency.