Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
what is the simplest way to do a drop shadow or similar effect to render a text as a PNG image so that when composited over different
backgrounds it stands out? could be a drop shadow effect or a stroke border around the text, is this possible to be done in a single command
when rendering a text as an image? hopefully using the :label command that im already using?
i just found that i can do this
-shadow 50x1+10+10
to create a shadow
but the question is, can i render a text as image and add the shadow to it all in one single command?
thats what i would need, so that i could have the text+the shadow all together in a PNG output
if possible using :label but if not with draw annotate or any other,
yes it works,
its great
i just have one problem,
when i do a shadow that is blurred, say with a blur of x4 or x5, the resulting image because of the offset created
by the blur, moves in relation to the previous one
i read that repage can maybe be used to compensate for that offset but i dont understand how, any tips?
thank u
it works great, but the resulting image moves with an offset from its previous position, i just need to eliminate that offset created by the Blur setting of the shadow
the problem is that when adding blur, the resulting image is larger than when you dont add blur
lets suppose i generate the text: hello, and i have it in position 100,100 within a larger canvas
then i recreate that text this time with a shadow that has a blur of x5
the resulting png of the text is larger and when staying at 100,100 within the larger canvas, the text offsets from the previous one,
it doesnt stay in the same place, this only happens with the blur because it makes the resulting image larger
i have managed to do the rotate well now, just moving the rotate to the end of command
so only problem i have left is that the shadow that has blur generates a bigger result image than the shadow that has no blur, is there a way to generate the same
sized image with and without blur in the shadow?