Reduce time for zoom image without loosing image quality..

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Reduce time for zoom image without loosing image quality..

Post by sri123 »

Hello All,

I am using image magick 6.6.6 version for my VC++ application. In this application i am loading image (with 1920X1080 dimensions) and increasing image size with 25% zoom.
It takes 953 milli seconds per 25% zoom, 1500 milli seconds per 50% zoom and 2344 milli seconds per 75% zoom and increasing when size increases.

code for this is:

Code: Select all

Geometry  tNailSize(  szx, szy );
If i am using "scale" method to zoom the time reduces but after several zoomin and zoomouts the quality of image reduced.

Code: Select all

Geometry tNailSize(  szx, szy );
I want to get the same performance of the zoom with the "Zoom" method.

How can i reduce the time taking for zoom in the first case?

Can any one help me to reduce time for zoom image without loosing image quality?

Thanking you advance..
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