I have made a VBA script
Code: Select all
Function ResizeImg(ByVal From As String, ByVal to As String, ByVal Q As Integer, ByVal Res As String)
Dim img As Object
Set img = CreateObject("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")
msg = img.Convert(From,to)
msg = img.Mogrify("-resize", Res, "-quality", Q, to)
end function
(translated from Danish, so the error can be something else in English).
I have made the reference to the ImageMagickObject.dll and tried regsvr32 /c /s "C:\ImageMagickObject\ImageMagickObject.dll" but no luck.
I am using
Windows XP Pro SP3
my question is
is it possible to use ImageMagick without installing it ????? - since it should be used on computers without admin rights
Thanx for your time and help.