Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
convert -transparent white -size 360x140 label:'this is a test for a url' test1.png
convert -transparent white -size 360x140 label:'this is a test for a spanish url' test2.png
convert -transparent white -size 360x140 label:'this is a test for a text-logo' test3.png
composite test1.png -gravity East -geometry +200-100 /
composite test2.png -gravity North -geometry +200-100 /
composite test3.png -gravity West -geometry +200-100 -density 350 test.pdf output.pdf
here's what I get composite: no decode delegate for this image format `/' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532.
convert -size 360x140 -background none label:'this is a test for a url' test1.png
convert -size 360x140 -background none label:'this is a test for a spanish url' test2.png
convert -size 360x140 -background none label:'this is a test for a text-logo' test3.png
convert -size 500x500 xc:white test1.png -gravity East -composite test2.png -gravity North -composite test3.png -gravity West -composite -density 350 output.pdf
convert -size 360x140 -background none label:'this is a test for a url' test1.png
convert -size 360x140 -background none label:'this is a test for a spanish url' test2.png
convert -size 360x140 -background none label:'this is a test for a text-logo' test3.png
convert test.pdf test1.png -gravity East -composite test2.png -gravity North -composite test3.png -gravity West -composite -density 350 output.pdf
I understand that but, it looks pretty good (-density 350) but can only get it to compose one image.
When I try to add another one to the output of that is when it looses its clarity, well not really looses it color.
So (weather recommended or not), how would I get it to compose all 3 images at the same time? All in different locations onto a single page pdf.
If this can not be done as a pdf can someone help me out with the conversion from .png to a full page pdf?