possible bug MAGICK_PRECISION=9

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possible bug MAGICK_PRECISION=9

Post by fmw42 »

IM Q16 Mac OSX Tiger.

I was trying to set the precision of fx calculations to 9 significant figures (default seems to be 6) in one of my scripts, but it does not seem to have any effect. Is this still available or am I making a mistake in its use. I was trying to avoid having to put -precision 9 in each fx command line.

I just set MAGICK_PRECISION=9 near the top of my script in the defaults arguments.

Here is a simple test script:



pi=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:pi]" info:`
echo $pi


Whereas this works:


pi=`convert xc: -precision 9 -format "%[fx:pi]" info:`
echo $pi

results: 3.14159265


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Re: possible bug MAGICK_PRECISION=9

Post by el_supremo »

Hi Fred,
Maybe you need to export MAGICK_PRECISION so that child processes such as convert will inherit the value.

Sorry, my ISP shutdown all personal webspace so my MagickWand Examples in C is offline.
See my message in this topic for a link to a zip of all the files.
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Re: possible bug MAGICK_PRECISION=9

Post by fmw42 »


Thanks. That works.

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