My image 16384x16384 size.
My calculations: memory = 16384 x 16384 * 4 /*rgba*/ = 1073741824 byte = 1024 Mb // Is there something wrong?
I want cut it for tiles!
I try:
Code: Select all
convert src.img -crop 256x256 tile.png
My comp is 4Gb of RAM memory.
According to my calculations, the memory is enough, but the real code shows the opposite..
Therefore, I want do this, like in simple graphics editor:
1) load image (once load big-image = 1 Gb)
2) select region 256x256
3) copy & paste it in new image 256x256 size
4) repeat 1-3 actions for every region using offset, and we get - tiles!
How can I do this via ImageMagick? Or how can I do this anyway?
Sorry for my english.