GammaImage Function Prototype/Documentation Error

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GammaImage Function Prototype/Documentation Error

Post by cappelaere »

Documentation says:
MagickBooleanType GammaImage(Image *image,const double gamma)

but code says:
MagickExport MagickBooleanType GammaImage(Image *image,const char *level)

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Re: GammaImage Function Prototype/Documentation Error

Post by magick »

We'll have a fix for the GammaImage() documentation within a few days. Thanks.
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Re: GammaImage Function Prototype/Documentation Error

Post by anthony »

the argument name of "level" is a bit miss-leading as they are not levels.

What it is, is a string containing a list of gamma values for each channel. Or one value for all channels.
just like the -gamma option

May be "gamma_args"
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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