Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
That is weird. there is no code in Extent to actually resize images as shown!
It is really a 'create canvas', and compose image (with gravity) onto canvas operator.
When it was first developed it was actually as a ultra fast image size resize without data modification (may produce garbage) but peoples demand for it it as a way f padding images to a input size, caused it to be re-programed into a canvas compose operator instead. I can even remember the forum discussion about it, but that discussion was lost in a disk crash a long time ago.
Thanks! It made be to realise that the problem is in my code. I found a case that the image stretches to the tile size before the extent function is being used.
anthony wrote:That is weird. there is no code in Extent to actually resize images as shown!
It is really a 'create canvas', and compose image (with gravity) onto canvas operator.
When it was first developed it was actually as a ultra fast image size resize without data modification (may produce garbage) but peoples demand for it it as a way f padding images to a input size, caused it to be re-programed into a canvas compose operator instead. I can even remember the forum discussion about it, but that discussion was lost in a disk crash a long time ago.