Worked OK for me using Windows Vista comand line:
Code: Select all
convert C:\Users\22495.psd -background white -flatten -density 300 -colors 512 -antialias -normalize -units PixelsPerInch -quality 100 -colorspace RGB -resize "3425x3425>" 22495.jpg
Some old notes of mine about psd files here:
I would guess you need to either update to a newer version of Imagemagick or flaten the image in photoshop before sending it to Imagemagick.
You can work on individual psd layers e.g. 22495.psd[0] but I can not open your file to see what layers you have.
I used 22495.psd[0] instead of 22495.psd in a test and it still worked - do you only have the one layer ?