Text is clipped using example and custom font

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Text is clipped using example and custom font

Post by Znarkus »


Using the free font MEgalopolisExtra¹ the text produced with the command below is clipped (the bottom of the "y" is clipped). If I specify the image size (-size 500x500 for example) the "y" is not clipped, so I guess IM is unable to calculate the size for this font?

C:\imagemagick>convert -background lightblue -fill blue -font C:\path\to\font\MEgalopolisExtra.otf -pointsize 72 label:Anthony label.gif

C:\imagemagick>convert.exe -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-9 2011-05-10 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP

Is there anything I can do? Thank you.

- Markus

1. http://www.smeltery.net/fonts/megalopolis-extra, download link to the right
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Re: Text is clipped using example and custom font

Post by anthony »

That funny 'y' looks like it exceeds normal font bounds by quite an appreciable amount.

Interesting font for very unusual characters! I may download it myself :-)

I suggest you -annotate on a large canvas to prevent that.

Alternative you could add a newline '\n' on the end of your text string to add some extra space
you can control that spacing using the "-interline-spacing" setting..
http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/text/# ... ne-spacing

Yes the characters do overflow bounds in specific cases. such as 'y'.
Also super and sub-script unicode characters.

It only has a minimum scattering of unicode charcaters defined, including some fractions, punctuation (quotes)
indices (super/sub scripts) and a small smattering in maths symbols

EG: after installing (using "imagick_type_gen" script)...
show_fonts -U latin MegalopolisExtra
show_fonts -U maths MegalopolisExtra
The script "show_fonts" is in the IM examples, Scripts area
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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