stroke-linejoin and arc/ellipse draw failure

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stroke-linejoin and arc/ellipse draw failure

Post by anthony »

There appears to be a bug in 'arc' in that it is drawing the 'straight chord' if you enable
stroke-linejoin round
If stroke-linejoin is not given the ellipse correctly does not draw the enclosing chord

The same thing is happening for 'ellipse'


Code: Select all

 convert -size 150x150 xc:none -fill none -stroke white -strokewidth 5 \
             -draw "stroke-linejoin round arc 10,10 130,130 60,150" \

Code: Select all

 convert -size 150x150 xc:none -fill none -stroke white -strokewidth 5 \
             -draw "stroke-linejoin round ellipse 70,70 60,60 60,150" \
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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