file size get bigger while sampling down

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file size get bigger while sampling down

Post by yorua007 »

'The out put of 'identify -verbose' of the original file is:

Code: Select all

Image: bandpass_EOF-6.png
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       102: (  2,  2,  2) #020202 rgb(2,2,2)
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       179: ( 12, 12, 12) #0C0C0C rgb(12,12,12)
       222: ( 13, 13, 13) #0D0D0D grey5
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       222: ( 14, 14, 14) #0E0E0E rgb(14,14,14)
       131: ( 15, 15, 15) #0F0F0F grey6
       398: ( 16, 16, 16) #101010 rgb(16,16,16)
         8: ( 16, 16, 17) #101011 rgb(16,16,17)
         8: ( 16, 16,238) #1010EE rgb(16,16,238)
      6109: ( 17, 17, 17) #111111 rgb(17,17,17)
      2072: ( 17, 17,255) #1111FF rgb(17,17,255)
        12: ( 18, 18, 18) #121212 grey7
         1: ( 18, 18, 19) #121213 rgb(18,18,19)
       986: ( 19, 19, 19) #131313 rgb(19,19,19)
       165: ( 20, 20, 20) #141414 grey8
         1: ( 20, 20, 21) #141415 rgb(20,20,21)
       290: ( 21, 21, 21) #151515 rgb(21,21,21)
         1: ( 21, 21,255) #1515FF rgb(21,21,255)
        27: ( 22, 22, 22) #161616 rgb(22,22,22)
       262: ( 23, 23, 23) #171717 grey9
       324: ( 24, 24, 24) #181818 rgb(24,24,24)
         1: ( 24, 24,255) #1818FF rgb(24,24,255)
       192: ( 25, 25, 25) #191919 rgb(25,25,25)
         1: ( 25, 25,255) #1919FF rgb(25,25,255)
        17: ( 26, 26, 26) #1A1A1A grey10
      1360: ( 27, 27, 27) #1B1B1B rgb(27,27,27)
       368: ( 28, 28, 28) #1C1C1C grey11
         1: ( 28, 28, 32) #1C1C20 rgb(28,28,32)
        75: ( 29, 29, 29) #1D1D1D rgb(29,29,29)
         1: ( 29, 29, 30) #1D1D1E rgb(29,29,30)
         1: ( 29, 29, 34) #1D1D22 rgb(29,29,34)
        10: ( 29, 29,221) #1D1DDD rgb(29,29,221)
        86: ( 30, 30, 30) #1E1E1E rgb(30,30,30)
         1: ( 30, 30, 34) #1E1E22 rgb(30,30,34)
        87: ( 31, 31, 31) #1F1F1F grey12
         2: ( 31, 31, 34) #1F1F22 rgb(31,31,34)
         1: ( 31, 31,238) #1F1FEE rgb(31,31,238)
      1746: ( 32, 32, 32) #202020 rgb(32,32,32)
         1: ( 32, 32, 34) #202022 rgb(32,32,34)
        31: ( 33, 33, 33) #212121 grey13
         1: ( 33, 33, 34) #212122 rgb(33,33,34)
      4248: ( 34, 34, 34) #222222 rgb(34,34,34)
      1327: ( 34, 34,255) #2222FF rgb(34,34,255)
         8: ( 35, 35, 35) #232323 rgb(35,35,35)
         1: ( 35, 35, 41) #232329 rgb(35,35,41)
         4: ( 36, 36, 36) #242424 grey14
       106: ( 37, 37, 37) #252525 rgb(37,37,37)
       100: ( 38, 38, 38) #262626 grey15
        10: ( 39, 39, 39) #272727 rgb(39,39,39)
       196: ( 40, 40, 40) #282828 rgb(40,40,40)
       302: ( 41, 41, 41) #292929 grey16
         3: ( 41, 41, 51) #292933 rgb(41,41,51)
         5: ( 41, 41,204) #2929CC rgb(41,41,204)
        12: ( 42, 42, 42) #2A2A2A rgb(42,42,42)
         1: ( 42, 42, 51) #2A2A33 rgb(42,42,51)
         3: ( 43, 43, 43) #2B2B2B grey17
         1: ( 43, 43, 51) #2B2B33 rgb(43,43,51)
         4: ( 44, 44, 44) #2C2C2C rgb(44,44,44)
        64: ( 45, 45, 45) #2D2D2D rgb(45,45,45)
       156: ( 46, 46, 46) #2E2E2E grey18
         1: ( 46, 46, 51) #2E2E33 rgb(46,46,51)
         2: ( 46, 46,238) #2E2EEE rgb(46,46,238)
         1: ( 46, 46,255) #2E2EFF rgb(46,46,255)
         7: ( 47, 47, 47) #2F2F2F rgb(47,47,47)
         1: ( 47, 47, 51) #2F2F33 rgb(47,47,51)
       214: ( 48, 48, 48) #303030 grey19
         1: ( 48, 48, 51) #303033 rgb(48,48,51)
         2: ( 48, 48, 64) #303040 rgb(48,48,64)
         3: ( 48, 48,255) #3030FF rgb(48,48,255)
         1: ( 49, 49, 49) #313131 rgb(49,49,49)
       375: ( 50, 50, 50) #323232 rgb(50,50,50)
         2: ( 50, 50, 51) #323233 rgb(50,50,51)
        58: ( 50, 50, 68) #323244 rgb(50,50,68)
        84: ( 50, 50,187) #3232BB rgb(50,50,187)
         1: ( 50, 50,255) #3232FF rgb(50,50,255)
      4064: ( 51, 51, 51) #333333 grey20
         5: ( 51, 51, 68) #333344 rgb(51,51,68)
      1334: ( 51, 51,255) #3333FF rgb(51,51,255)
         3: ( 52, 52, 52) #343434 rgb(52,52,52)
        11: ( 53, 53, 53) #353535 rgb(53,53,53)
         5: ( 53, 53, 68) #353544 rgb(53,53,68)
         2: ( 54, 54, 68) #363644 rgb(54,54,68)
       290: ( 55, 55, 55) #373737 rgb(55,55,55)
         5: ( 55, 55, 68) #373744 rgb(55,55,68)
         1: ( 55, 55,255) #3737FF rgb(55,55,255)
       888: ( 56, 56, 56) #383838 grey22
         3: ( 56, 56, 68) #383844 rgb(56,56,68)
        59: ( 57, 57, 57) #393939 rgb(57,57,57)
         5: ( 57, 57, 68) #393944 rgb(57,57,68)
        43: ( 57, 57, 85) #393955 rgb(57,57,85)
        28: ( 57, 57,170) #3939AA rgb(57,57,170)
         3: ( 58, 58, 58) #3A3A3A rgb(58,58,58)
         4: ( 58, 58, 68) #3A3A44 rgb(58,58,68)
       130: ( 59, 59, 59) #3B3B3B grey23
         5: ( 59, 59, 85) #3B3B55 rgb(59,59,85)
        16: ( 59, 59,187) #3B3BBB rgb(59,59,187)
         3: ( 60, 60, 60) #3C3C3C rgb(60,60,60)
         7: ( 60, 60, 68) #3C3C44 rgb(60,60,68)
         1: ( 61, 61, 61) #3D3D3D grey24
         2: ( 61, 61, 68) #3D3D44 rgb(61,61,68)
         4: ( 61, 61, 85) #3D3D55 rgb(61,61,85)
        10: ( 61, 61,102) #3D3D66 rgb(61,61,102)
         5: ( 61, 61,153) #3D3D99 rgb(61,61,153)
        86: ( 62, 62, 62) #3E3E3E rgb(62,62,62)
         1: ( 62, 62, 68) #3E3E44 rgb(62,62,68)
         2: ( 62, 62, 85) #3E3E55 rgb(62,62,85)
         1: ( 62, 62,104) #3E3E68 rgb(62,62,104)
         1: ( 62, 62,255) #3E3EFF rgb(62,62,255)
       108: ( 63, 63, 63) #3F3F3F rgb(63,63,63)
         5: ( 63, 63, 68) #3F3F44 rgb(63,63,68)
         2: ( 63, 63,112) #3F3F70 rgb(63,63,112)
        14: ( 63, 63,119) #3F3F77 rgb(63,63,119)
         3: ( 63, 63,136) #3F3F88 rgb(63,63,136)
       210: ( 64, 64, 64) #404040 grey25
         7: ( 64, 64, 85) #404055 rgb(64,64,85)
         1: ( 64, 64,255) #4040FF rgb(64,64,255)
         2: ( 65, 65, 65) #414141 rgb(65,65,65)
         4: ( 65, 65, 68) #414144 rgb(65,65,68)
         6: ( 65, 65,170) #4141AA rgb(65,65,170)
         4: ( 66, 66, 66) #424242 grey26
         6: ( 66, 66, 68) #424244 rgb(66,66,68)
         5: ( 66, 66, 85) #424255 rgb(66,66,85)
         3: ( 67, 67, 67) #434343 rgb(67,67,67)
         6: ( 67, 67, 68) #434344 rgb(67,67,68)
         4: ( 67, 67,119) #434377 rgb(67,67,119)
     18411: ( 68, 68, 68) #444444 rgb(68,68,68)
         8: ( 68, 68, 85) #444455 rgb(68,68,85)
         7: ( 68, 68,187) #4444BB rgb(68,68,187)
      2103: ( 68, 68,255) #4444FF rgb(68,68,255)
         1: ( 69, 69, 69) #454545 grey27
         1: ( 69, 69, 72) #454548 rgb(69,69,72)
         5: ( 70, 70, 70) #464646 rgb(70,70,70)
        12: ( 70, 70, 85) #464655 rgb(70,70,85)
         1: ( 70, 70,102) #464666 rgb(70,70,102)
         4: ( 71, 71, 71) #474747 grey28
         2: ( 71, 71,119) #474777 rgb(71,71,119)
       310: ( 72, 72, 72) #484848 rgb(72,72,72)
         3: ( 72, 72, 85) #484855 rgb(72,72,85)
         2: ( 72, 72,170) #4848AA rgb(72,72,170)
        11: ( 73, 73, 73) #494949 rgb(73,73,73)
        83: ( 74, 74, 74) #4A4A4A grey29
         5: ( 74, 74, 85) #4A4A55 rgb(74,74,85)
         2: ( 74, 74,153) #4A4A99 rgb(74,74,153)
       128: ( 75, 75, 75) #4B4B4B rgb(75,75,75)
         3: ( 75, 75,119) #4B4B77 rgb(75,75,119)
         2: ( 75, 75,255) #4B4BFF rgb(75,75,255)
         2: ( 76, 76, 85) #4C4C55 rgb(76,76,85)
         2: ( 76, 76,238) #4C4CEE rgb(76,76,238)
         7: ( 77, 77, 77) #4D4D4D grey30
         9: ( 78, 78, 85) #4E4E55 rgb(78,78,85)
         1: ( 78, 78,119) #4E4E77 rgb(78,78,119)
         7: ( 78, 78,187) #4E4EBB rgb(78,78,187)
         1: ( 79, 79, 79) #4F4F4F grey31
         5: ( 79, 79, 85) #4F4F55 rgb(79,79,85)
         2: ( 79, 79,170) #4F4FAA rgb(79,79,170)
       167: ( 80, 80, 80) #505050 rgb(80,80,80)
         1: ( 80, 80,153) #505099 rgb(80,80,153)
         5: ( 81, 81, 85) #515155 rgb(81,81,85)
         1: ( 81, 81,221) #5151DD rgb(81,81,221)
       126: ( 82, 82, 82) #525252 grey32
         1: ( 82, 82, 88) #525258 rgb(82,82,88)
         2: ( 82, 82,119) #525277 rgb(82,82,119)
         4: ( 83, 83, 83) #535353 rgb(83,83,83)
         4: ( 83, 83, 85) #535355 rgb(83,83,85)
         2: ( 83, 83,102) #535366 rgb(83,83,102)
         4: ( 84, 84, 84) #545454 grey33
     14413: ( 85, 85, 85) #555555 rgb(85,85,85)
       922: ( 85, 85,255) #5555FF rgb(85,85,255)
         1: ( 86, 86,119) #565677 rgb(86,86,119)
         4: ( 87, 87,170) #5757AA rgb(87,87,170)
         3: ( 87, 87,187) #5757BB rgb(87,87,187)
       411: ( 88, 88, 88) #585858 rgb(88,88,88)
        56: ( 89, 89, 89) #595959 grey35
         3: ( 90, 90, 90) #5A5A5A rgb(90,90,90)
         4: ( 90, 90,119) #5A5A77 rgb(90,90,119)
        42: ( 91, 91, 91) #5B5B5B rgb(91,91,91)
         2: ( 91, 91,238) #5B5BEE rgb(91,91,238)
        63: ( 92, 92, 92) #5C5C5C grey36
         1: ( 93, 93,119) #5D5D77 rgb(93,93,119)
         1: ( 95, 95, 95) #5F5F5F rgb(95,95,95)
         1: ( 95, 95,204) #5F5FCC rgb(95,95,204)
       234: ( 96, 96, 96) #606060 rgb(96,96,96)
         5: ( 96, 96,187) #6060BB rgb(96,96,187)
         2: ( 97, 97,119) #616177 rgb(97,97,119)
         3: ( 98, 98, 98) #626262 rgb(98,98,98)
         2: ( 98, 98,136) #626288 rgb(98,98,136)
        49: (100,100,100) #646464 rgb(100,100,100)
         2: (100,100,255) #6464FF rgb(100,100,255)
         1: (101,101,119) #656577 rgb(101,101,119)
      4873: (102,102,102) #666666 grey40
      1348: (102,102,255) #6666FF rgb(102,102,255)
       273: (104,104,104) #686868 rgb(104,104,104)
         2: (105,105,119) #696977 rgb(105,105,119)
        13: (105,105,187) #6969BB rgb(105,105,187)
         2: (106,106,106) #6A6A6A rgb(106,106,106)
         3: (107,107,107) #6B6B6B grey42
         1: (107,107,221) #6B6BDD rgb(107,107,221)
         2: (108,108,119) #6C6C77 rgb(108,108,119)
        49: (109,109,109) #6D6D6D rgb(109,109,109)
         3: (110,110,110) #6E6E6E grey43
         8: (110,110,170) #6E6EAA rgb(110,110,170)
         2: (111,111,111) #6F6F6F rgb(111,111,111)
       212: (112,112,112) #707070 grey44
         3: (112,112,119) #707077 rgb(112,112,119)
         2: (112,112,255) #7070FF rgb(112,112,255)
       258: (113,113,113) #717171 rgb(113,113,113)
         2: (113,113,255) #7171FF rgb(113,113,255)
        18: (114,114,114) #727272 rgb(114,114,114)
        13: (114,114,187) #7272BB rgb(114,114,187)
         1: (116,116,116) #747474 rgb(116,116,116)
         1: (117,117,117) #757575 grey46
        63: (118,118,118) #767676 rgb(118,118,118)
         1: (118,118,204) #7676CC rgb(118,118,204)
     22605: (119,119,119) #777777 rgb(119,119,119)
      2853: (119,119,255) #7777FF rgb(119,119,255)
         3: (120,120,120) #787878 grey47
         2: (120,120,221) #7878DD rgb(120,120,221)
         1: (120,120,238) #7878EE rgb(120,120,238)
         2: (121,121,121) #797979 rgb(121,121,121)
        72: (123,123,123) #7B7B7B rgb(123,123,123)
         5: (123,123,187) #7B7BBB rgb(123,123,187)
         1: (124,124,124) #7C7C7C rgb(124,124,124)
        98: (125,125,125) #7D7D7D grey49
         3: (125,125,170) #7D7DAA rgb(125,125,170)
        49: (127,127,127) #7F7F7F grey50
         2: (128,128,128) #808080 fractal
         1: (131,131,136) #838388 rgb(131,131,136)
         1: (132,132,132) #848484 rgb(132,132,132)
         1: (132,132,221) #8484DD rgb(132,132,221)
       106: (133,133,133) #858585 grey52
         1: (133,133,170) #8585AA rgb(133,133,170)
         8: (133,133,187) #8585BB rgb(133,133,187)
         1: (134,134,134) #868686 rgb(134,134,134)
         1: (134,134,238) #8686EE rgb(134,134,238)
      3270: (136,136,136) #888888 rgb(136,136,136)
       915: (136,136,255) #8888FF rgb(136,136,255)
      2086: (138,138,138) #8A8A8A grey54
         1: (140,140,140) #8C8C8C grey55
         1: (140,140,170) #8C8CAA rgb(140,140,170)
         1: (141,141,141) #8D8D8D rgb(141,141,141)
         2: (141,141,153) #8D8D99 rgb(141,141,153)
         5: (142,142,187) #8E8EBB rgb(142,142,187)
        66: (143,143,143) #8F8F8F grey56
         1: (143,143,255) #8F8FFF rgb(143,143,255)
         1: (147,147,153) #939399 rgb(147,147,153)
         2: (147,147,170) #9393AA rgb(147,147,170)
        95: (148,148,148) #949494 grey58
         1: (148,148,255) #9494FF rgb(148,148,255)
         3: (149,149,238) #9595EE rgb(149,149,238)
       138: (150,150,150) #969696 grey59
         1: (150,150,255) #9696FF rgb(150,150,255)
         6: (151,151,187) #9797BB rgb(151,151,187)
         1: (152,152,152) #989898 rgb(152,152,152)
      6075: (153,153,153) #999999 grey60
      1364: (153,153,255) #9999FF rgb(153,153,255)
         1: (154,154,154) #9A9A9A rgb(154,154,154)
         4: (155,155,170) #9B9BAA rgb(155,155,170)
        56: (159,159,159) #9F9F9F rgb(159,159,159)
         9: (160,160,187) #A0A0BB rgb(160,160,187)
         1: (161,161,204) #A1A1CC rgb(161,161,204)
       195: (163,163,163) #A3A3A3 grey64
         1: (163,163,170) #A3A3AA rgb(163,163,170)
         2: (163,163,255) #A3A3FF rgb(163,163,255)
        70: (164,164,164) #A4A4A4 rgb(164,164,164)
         1: (164,164,238) #A4A4EE rgb(164,164,238)
         1: (166,166,166) #A6A6A6 grey65
         6: (169,169,187) #A9A9BB rgb(169,169,187)
      9893: (170,170,170) #AAAAAA rgb(170,170,170)
       892: (170,170,255) #AAAAFF rgb(170,170,255)
         1: (171,171,221) #ABABDD rgb(171,171,221)
         1: (172,172,204) #ACACCC rgb(172,172,204)
       326: (175,175,175) #AFAFAF rgb(175,175,175)
         3: (175,175,255) #AFAFFF rgb(175,175,255)
       237: (177,177,177) #B1B1B1 rgb(177,177,177)
         1: (177,177,255) #B1B1FF rgb(177,177,255)
         8: (178,178,187) #B2B2BB rgb(178,178,187)
         2: (179,179,179) #B3B3B3 grey70
     21299: (187,187,187) #BBBBBB rgb(187,187,187)
      2057: (187,187,255) #BBBBFF rgb(187,187,255)
       108: (191,191,191) #BFBFBF grey75
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         2: (194,194,238) #C2C2EE rgb(194,194,238)
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         1: (209,209,238) #D1D1EE rgb(209,209,238)
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      1266: (221,221,255) #DDDDFF rgb(221,221,255)
        59: (223,223,223) #DFDFDF rgb(223,223,223)
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    ps:HiResBoundingBox: 593x509+0+166
    ps:Level: Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0

    ps:SpotColor-0: Helvetica-Bold
    signature: 4576e3c0a629022836d213b5398237e733c42101b78bdcf5a6612753976ab350
    verbose: true
  Tainted: False
  Filesize: 366KiB
  Number pixels: 3.826MiB
  Pixels per second: 42.51MiB
  User time: 0.090u
  Elapsed time: 0:01.089
  Version: ImageMagick 6.5.7-8 2010-12-02 Q16
After using the command:

Code: Select all

convert bandpass_EOF_6.png -resample 150 -depth 8 bandpass_EOF-5_1.png
the file size changed from 366kB to 438kB which I didn't expect, and I can not figure it out why.

The output of 'identify -verbose' of the new file is :

Code: Select all

Image: bandpass_EOF-5_1.png
  Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 1041x964+0+0
  Resolution: 150x150
  Print size: 6.94x6.42667
  Units: Undefined
  Type: TrueColor
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: RGB
  Depth: 8-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 8-bit
    green: 8-bit
    blue: 8-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 231.746 (0.908808)
      standard deviation: 63.9992 (0.250977)
      kurtosis: 6.27581
      skewness: -2.77255
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 231.746 (0.908808)
      standard deviation: 63.9992 (0.250977)
      kurtosis: 6.27581
      skewness: -2.77255
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 233.636 (0.916219)
      standard deviation: 61.8409 (0.242513)
      kurtosis: 7.27206
      skewness: -2.94106
  Image statistics:
      min: 0 (0)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 174.282 (0.683459)
      standard deviation: 114.583 (0.449347)
      kurtosis: -1.31453
      skewness: -0.79118
  Rendering intent: Undefined
  Interlace: None
  Background color: white
  Border color: rgb(223,223,223)
  Matte color: grey74
  Transparent color: black
  Compose: Over
  Page geometry: 1236x1061+73+69
  Origin geometry: +73+69
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: Zip
  Orientation: Undefined
    date:create: 2011-06-25T09:17:42+08:00
    date:modify: 2011-06-25T09:17:25+08:00
    ps:HiResBoundingBox: 593x509+0+166
    ps:Level: Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0

    ps:SpotColor-0: Helvetica-Bold
    signature: a9dff7db30d5529478d04e51625e2bcf8049b5c0784e1c748f9c47c8f5662730
    verbose: true
  Tainted: False
  Filesize: 438KiB
  Number pixels: 980KiB
  Pixels per second: 23.93MiB
  User time: 0.040u
  Elapsed time: 0:01.039
  Version: ImageMagick 6.5.7-8 2010-12-02 Q16
Last edited by yorua007 on 2011-06-24T20:17:03-07:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: file size get bigger while sampling down

Post by anthony »

Simply put the image becomes more complex, and does not compress as well.

For example a binary image that is downsampled (made smaller) will get grayscale values that will nor compress as well as the original binary picture.

This does not happen for real-life images, which are complex to start with, but happens very often with artificially generated images.

Without more information (such as a sample) we can not help you more.

You may also like to look at the recent discussion about GIMP images being smaller than IM images.
which looks at PNG compression results.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: file size get bigger while sampling down

Post by yorua007 »

Thanks for your quick reply. In fact the "bandpass_EOF-6.png" was convert from a eps file:
with the command:

Code: Select all

convert -density 300 bandpass_EOF-1.eps -trim -depth 8 bandpass_EOF-6.png
What I want is a png file with 150x150 resolution. I use the option '-density 300', because I think the result may could be better using the "super sampling" technique mentioned in However I noticed that the file size got much bigger using this technique.
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Re: file size get bigger while sampling down

Post by anthony »

The output from ghostscript conversion to a image format that is highly aliased. Supersampling is well recommended.

However if the EPS is only a wrapper around a raster image, somehow extracting that raster at the 'ideal' resolution, would be a better option.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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