ImageMagick is not displaying resized images in FE

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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ImageMagick is not displaying resized images in FE

Post by falkenberg »

I am having trouble getting TYPO3/ImageMagick to display the resized versions of images on our website.
ImageMagick has been installed on our server (Mac OS X) and is running smoothly as far as I can tell by checking the Install Tool.

ImageMagick enabled: 1
ImageMagick path: /usr/local/bin/ImageMagick-6.6.9/bin/ ()
ImageMagick path/LZW: /usr/local/bin/ImageMagick-6.6.9/bin/ ()

GDLib enabled: 1
GDLib using PNG: 1
GDLib 2 enabled: 0
IM5 effects enabled: 0 (Blurring/Sharpening with IM 5+)
Freetype DPI: 96 (Should be 96 for Freetype 2)
Mask invert: 0 (Should be set for some IM versions approx. 5.4+)

File Formats: gif,jpg,jpeg,tif,bmp,pcx,tga,png,pdf,ai
Warning: Mismatch between the version of ImageMagick () and the configuration of [GFX][im_version_5] (im6)

The resized thumb has been replaced by a question mark. When I click the question mark the original sized image is displayed?
When looking at the html source code I can see that there is no value for either src, height or width?

(Before ImageMagick we were using the extension jb_gd_resize. Of course this has been removed when testing ImageMagick)

Anyone else having this problem?

Kind regards Rasmus
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Re: ImageMagick is not displaying resized images in FE

Post by fmw42 »

Warning: Mismatch between the version of ImageMagick () and the configuration of [GFX][im_version_5] (im6)
I am no expert on this, but this looks like you have two version of IM installed (v5 and v6) and there is a conflict. Uninstall both and reinstall the latest version of IM.

type the following:

which convert

and see if it reports more than one.

Also please supply your IM commands so others can see if there is some error.
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Re: ImageMagick is not displaying resized images in FE

Post by falkenberg »

I´ll give it a try. Thanks!
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