Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I tried your gradient from the reference page and get exactly what IM produced. I don't see any stripes. Did you download the correct result.
produces a solid blue line and should because you create a gradient, then sigmoid-contrast, and then colorize it 100% with #143fae. So the colorize wipes out all the gradient and overrides it with a solid color.
ps: the 3.png from wirehopper previewed in lister is the same with the top image which had point out, how can the web master create this gredient with php but can't me ?
something must be wrong with your bat file. as I am not windows user I cannot help. but the solid blue line is what you will get from that command. if you want something different, please explain and someone can probably give you the correct command line. If you just want a blue to transparent gradient, then just use:
linjuming wrote:thank you, it seems not so perfect for windows .
What command is not working correctly in Windows? How is it not correct or the same as what I specified? What is it that you really want for the result?
my purpose is to create the transparent png with the same preview effect what output with photoshop.
the im created png in my pc is transparent (can see the third img below) ,but can not see the transparent in lister. not the same preview with ps-done png.
not very serious problem ,can use in html will be ok.
you cannot create an image with a checkerboard to represent transparent and have the checkerboard removed when you overlay the gradient on some image. PS has two kinds of transparency -- background (shown as checkerboard) and alpha channel. IM only uses alpha channel transparency. Thus if you just want to have the image transparent use the original method.
convert -size 10x256 gradient:blue-none tmp1.png
If you need to show it represented with checkerboard behind it, then you have to flatten it together as in
you cannot create an image with a checkerboard to represent transparent and have the checkerboard removed when you overlay the gradient on some image. PS has two kinds of transparency -- background (shown as checkerboard) and alpha channel. IM only uses alpha channel transparency. Thus if you just want to have the image transparent use the original method.