The save of pure grayscale image is different to one that contains a red dot (to make it non-greyscale).
Yes you are right something is screwy. Hmmm...
Okay. The BUG...
When a pure grayscale image gets saved to MIFF it gets saved with a colorspace "Gray"
Code: Select all
convert Rings1_24b.jpg -colorspace sRGB -distort resize 100x miff:- | grep --text ^colorspace
but the same image with a spot of color preserves the colorspace correctly!colorspace=Gray
convert Rings1_24r.jpg -colorspace sRGB -distort resize 100x miff:- | grep --text ^colorspace[/code]
So in other words MIFF file format is 'loosing' the fact that the image is not just Gray but that the image is linear_graycolorspace=sRGB
In otherwords IM will need either a "sGray" attribute (reversed meaning just as sRGB/RGB is reverse), or should not convert sRGB to Gray when saving to the MIFF. I have made a note about this for IMv7 development.
As a temporary solution (at least for IMv6), this will correct MIFF handling...
Code: Select all
convert Rings1.gif -colorspace sRGB -distort resize 100x -depth 16 rings1_small.miff
convert rings1_small.miff -set colorspace sRGB -colorspace RGB -depth 8 rings1_small_miff.png