Bug in label autofitting for non-square density

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Bug in label autofitting for non-square density

Post by Ghealron »


I am using the label autofitting feature. It works great unless one uses a non-square density (such as 480x1200 dpi). It does not appear to account for the density when calculating the size of the text, but does when drawing it, so the text ends up the wrong size for the space provided. I am using version 6.7.2-5. A command to replicate the behaviour:

convert -units PixelsPerInch -density 480x1200 -background lightblue -fill blue -font Candice -size 165x70 label:Anthony label_size_fit.gif
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Re: Bug in label autofitting for non-square density

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you posted. We added it to our bug list. Thanks.
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