While doing my "isolated pixel cleaning" (a solved problem now, many thanks!) I noticed that the EXIF information contained in the TIFF was lost in transit...
So that you can easily check out what seems like a bug I generated a small version of the TIFF using the same program (SilkyPix) and which suffers from the same problem.
Here it is, together with the converted version:
The conversion resulted from this command:
Code: Select all
convert small-landscape.tif'[0]' \( +clone -morphology HMT Peaks:1.5 \) +swap -compose subtract -composite -depth 8 -interlace line -quality 100 -sampling-factor 1x1 jpg:small-landscape-clean.jpeg
PS: By the way: of course you can't see the hot pixels at this size... if you want the full size image just send me a message.
PPS: Sorry, I should have posted this to the bugs section, but it seems like I can't delete the post... anyone cares to move it?