Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »


I have jsut seen that graphick magick depend on libwmflite (subpart of libwmf) instead of libwmf. Could we do the same with imagemagick ? It will simplify the dependencies lib and save X depends.


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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by magick »

Look for a patch to support wmflite in ImageMagick 6.7.1-10 Beta by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »

Any news ?

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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by magick »

Support for wmflite should be in the latest release of ImageMagick. If you run into any problems, let us know.
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »

I did not see the patch

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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by magick »

Doh! Sometime ago we got a bug report where certain WMF files failed to render correctly. There was a deficiency in the low-level WMFLite interface so we switched to using the higher level wmf_api_* methods which fixed the problem (the WMF files now render properly) but requires WMF in addition to WMFLite.
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »

I do not know.

But it is not really optimal. Using wmf little is better from a packaging point of view.

If you need more function from wmflittle please document it and patch wmflittle if needed.

Wmf lib is really really bad from a security point of view. the lib embed a old gd lib with security bug. Whereas wmflittle is more safe.

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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by magick »

We will revisit wmflite, but it may take some time. ImageMagick 7.0.0 development is consuming our time.
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »

Could you target this for 7.0 ?

It is really important from a security point of view
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by magick »

There are rendering problems with libwmflite that we don't see with libwmf. A solution would be to build ImageMagick without libwmf support, add --without-xml to the configure script during the build process. Other solutions include fixing the security bug in libwmf. If there are no maintainers, libwmf should probably be removed from the Linux distributions. However, looking at using libwmflite within ImageMagick is still on our radar. If we come up with a solution, it will be added to both the ImageMagick 6 and 7 series releases.
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »

Could you detail the defficiency with libwmflittle ?

We could try to patch libwmflittle and be a new upstream. But do not ask with whole libwmf.

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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by magick »

We got a number of bug reports from users when we used the libwmflite library where the WMF image rendering did not match what was rendered under Windows. When we switched to libwmf, it fixed all the various bug reports. That doesn't mean we can't return to libwmflite, it just means we need to make an effort to determine if the bugs were in ImageMagick or libwmflite.
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »


I firmly believe reverting is the way to go and investigate. May be it should be configurable.
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by broucaries »

Moreover it does not seems that graphicmagick have a lot of bug report about wmf... So it seems safe
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Re: Depends on libwmflite instead of libwmf

Post by magick »

Look for WMFLite support in the next point release of ImageMagick, 6.7.4-1.
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