Issue with black frames around system tray icons on import

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Issue with black frames around system tray icons on import

Post by hwttdz »

I'm trying to use import to capture a screenshot. Namely as:

import -descend -window root screenshot.jpg

but I get annoying black boxes around all my system tray icons, any thoughts?

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Re: Issue with black frames around system tray icons on impo

Post by fmw42 »

perhaps because jpg does not support transparency. does your image you are trying to capture have transparency?
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Re: Issue with black frames around system tray icons on impo

Post by hwttdz »

Doesn't work in png either. Tried a few flags and wasn't able to make any progress. scrot seems to be a working replacement for the time being.
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Re: Issue with black frames around system tray icons on impo

Post by anthony »

More than likely it is exactly what the X window system is actually returning to the IM program.

Do you have 3-D graphics acceleration being used?

It may also be caused by the X window server using fancy composition layering.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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