ttmt wrote:Everything works as I expected but the quality of the type at small sizes isn't very good.
What do you regard as 'small'.
Recentally I needed to generate text as very small pointsizes (for a Gnome Text File Thumbnail Generator) and as such did some research into finding TTF fonts that would work (and be legible) at very small sizes.
These were my results...
Code: Select all
# Small font selection -- you can download TTF's from network
# To install into ImageMagick, see:
#font=Arial pointsize=6 # 6,9 good 7,8 not so good 10,12 ideal
#font=ArialN pointsize=7 #
#font=CourierNew pointsize=6 # very light, needs auto-level
#font=CourierNewB pointsize=6 # Best fixed width font at most sizes!
font=PC pointsize=7 # thinner but light, needs auto-level
#font=Terminal pointsize=6 # 6 good 8 nice (more line spacing)
#font=PixelMix pointsize=5 # 5 works 6 bad 7 overflows lines
#font=ETBT6001 pointsize=6 # very clear monospaced (6pt ideal)
#font=CoolThreePixels pointsize=4 # a little too small (5pt ideal)
#font=7px4bus pointsize=7 # yuck 'a' (7pt ideal)
#font=Crystal pointsize=6 # very near proportional (not quite)
#font=Verdana pointsize=7 #\
#font=LucidaConsole pointsize=6 # > proportional fonts (clean when small)
Note I was more interested in a mono-spaced font, However I found that both Arial and NewCourier generally worked well at all point sizes.
The PC font is only slightly more legible than NewCourier, (and slightly smaller even at larger pointsize)
The actual font filename is... PCCharSet.ttf
Note that if you use IM to read a TTF file as a image it will generate a sample page of the font.
for example...
I have a modified version of the TTF coder that includes more pointsizes in the 'waterfall' font list, including those at smaller point sizes so I can evaluate the font at small scales. I submitted it for IMv7 but have a INv6 version too. I also modified the 'phrase' to be a "Pangram", that is a string containing all the letters of the English alphabet.
Here is the modified TTF font sample page... the above produced.
From this you can see that Arial at pointsize 4 or 5 is not really too small to be readable, though 6 does work well! similarly pointsizes 7 and 8 are not so good though remain readable. After that the font is rendered very well.
NOTE I found many fonts only work well at either the default pointsize, or a specialised one it was designed for.
The standard fonts seem to have the widest usage range, at small scales, but then, they have been worked on extensively just for that purpose. I hate to say it but... well done Microsoft!
Your mileage may vary with your machine and text rendering delegate library.