convert crashes with JPEG compressed TIFF files

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convert crashes with JPEG compressed TIFF files

Post by gursch »

I have several problems converting JPEG compressed TIFF files to JPEG files (ImageMagick 6.7.3-4 on Windows 7 64 Bit).

It's a simple conversion: convert xy.tif cy.jpg

RGB colorspace: convert crashes
CMYK colorspace: conversion works, but the colors are wrong

If you need I can post sample files.
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Re: convert crashes with JPEG compressed TIFF files

Post by magick »

We'll need samples. RGB and CMYK conversions work fine for us. Note, CMYK TIFF images create CMYK JPEG images (not RGB).
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Re: convert crashes with JPEG compressed TIFF files

Post by gursch »

Here are the two files:

Both files were created with Photoshop CS 5.5
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Re: convert crashes with JPEG compressed TIFF files

Post by magick »

Both your images converted without complaint for us with ImageMagick 6.7.3-6. We first had to convert the CMYK TIFF image to RGB with the -colorspace rgb option.
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