Bug: Reading PDF files with umlauts in their filename

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Bug: Reading PDF files with umlauts in their filename

Post by whugemann »

IM 6.7.1-10 under Windows 7 (32 bit)
Ghostscript 8.70

With IM 6.7.1-10 I suddenly experience an error when trying to read a PDF whose filename contains an umlaut. When I run

Code: Select all

convert ü.pdf test.jpg
It tells me:

Code: Select all

Magick: unable to create temporary file `ü.pdf': No such file or directory @ error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/389.
This behaviour is new. It ran perfectly with IM 6.7.0-0. (And it runs perfectly again, now that I have re-installed that version.)
Wolfgang Hugemann
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