So this is what paperclip "says" it is executing, which it works fine if I copy paste it in my console:
Code: Select all
convert /tmp/stream20120222-16799-h6517r.txt[0]' -resize "90x90^" -unsharp 0x.7 -gravity center -extent 90x90 '/tmp/stream20120222-16799-h6517r20120222-16799-1yalfzi.gif'
But somehow Paperclip is messing up something, and I'm thinking that one thing is what it "says" it is executing and another thing it's what it actually "runs". So when running inside Paperclip I'm getting this error from "convert":
Code: Select all
convert: invalid argument for option `90x90^': -resize.
So what I'm asking here is if somebody could help me out to understand how Paperclip is messing around the arguments for such an error to show up. For example it would be great to know what argument needs to be missing so the error shown pops up