Here are a couple I can not understand why they are not working; any ideas?
No visable change to the input images ( 76,21 is a green pixel on the input image ):
Code: Select all
$cmd = " $input -green-primary 76,21 ";
exec("convert $cmd green_primary.jpg");
$cmd = "$input -channel red -threshold 50%";
exec("convert $cmd threshold.jpg");
Code: Select all
$cmd = " $input -linear-stretch 0.5 ";
exec("convert $cmd linear_stretch.jpg");
Code: Select all
// Resize the boots image first to fit image
exec("convert $input1 -thumbnail 50x50 temp.png");
// Tile the image
$cmd = " -geometry +30+30 -tile-offset +120-120 tile:temp.png $input ";
exec("composite $cmd tile_offset.jpg");
Code: Select all
$cmd = "-size 213x160 -background NavajoWhite -fill black".
" -gravity center -pointsize 30 -family Andalus -font Andalus -stretch UltraExpanded caption:\"Stretch\" ";
exec("convert $cmd stretch.jpg ");