Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
please supply your exact command line use in PHP exec(). does it work if you use some other image format such as gif or png or tiff? perhaps you do not have the jpeg delegate library installed.
What version of IM and on what platform are you running your command.
We need more information to be able to help properly.
thank you for help,
i'm on IIS windows 2003 srv, PHP+pear, last IM, and simple syntax (convert input.jpg output.jpg)
Server allow my intranet users to convert every image (and pdf, office doc) to .jpg , single format
used by our production system.
in last hours i resolve problem given by .jpg files; stripping IPTC field entirely (-strip), solve my problem,
i think that my web service check some fields or standard, and allow or not upload ...
Not post yet, and waiting for a reply about finding differences for 2 posted images.
Hello again,
i need some information about trim process.
some 'smart' user save bad images with Windows mspaint; the result is same image, *with IPTC fileds*, but pass web service gate.
My questions are:
- what exactly does -trim option ?
- what have in common mspaint and IM in save process ?
I remember that IM can create a new brand image output from input (-clone?), but can't remember switch.
first solution was convert input image in .bmp, then again in .jpg. this create a new image without any other info.
How i create a new file with only 'image info' and cut all other properties ( no exif, no IPTC, no preview, nothing) ?