No I mean the actual formula containing both alpha, and beta. Or are they really the same value
just one multiplied by PI.
I am trying to understand what I need to implement!
Is this Pseudo-code correct?
Code: Select all
if "filter:beta" then beta=value
if filter:alpha" then beta=value*PI
Then Kaiser formula as before. but using beta instead of alpha
Code: Select all
normalization * IO(beta*sqrt(1.0-x*x))
Of course I'll report BOTH values in the verbose report.
Basically EXACTLY what should be implemented!
NOTE: I left the normalization in Kaiser function but if IO(0) ==> 1.0 then I am probably better off leaving it out.
Just as I did for the Gaussian filter, as it made comparison of filters much easier.
Future: I also want to add some convolution kernels called 'filter1d' and 'filter2d' that generates linear and cylindrical kernels based on the current filter settings, for direct use in
-convolve (which is now an alias for
-morphology Convolve). Of course I would include in radius and scale kernel arguments with defaults set to support and 1.0 (no-op filter) scaling.
I just never seemed to get around to going this.
Also also want to somehow include a kernel to image converter (probably a special input coder)
Technically this is similar to a convolve of a single white pixel, but without 'normalization'
or better still a de-normalization flag which scales the kernel values so the origin value = 1.0
To many things To Do!!!!!! Arrrggghhhh.....
Do you have any programming 'slaves' to spare?