Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Can you break it down to explain every individual character of this argument?
And is possible to use Mophology to compare letters in Images?
For Example: ... aduz-2.jpg
On the image is Town "Sevelen" and I would want do some operation with it.
For example to check if the Sevelen is on the Photo or Get position of the red dot, which is placed just before the Sevelen title. Or possibly to convert the text from the image... But I think it would not be simple... Am I write? I would need whole alphabet to convert it ...
it means the kernel/shape will be 2pixels wide x 1pixel high and the values will be 1 and 0. The colon : is a separator between the shape size and its values.
Can you break it down to explain every individual character of this argument?
This shape/kernel will be 3pixels wide x 1pixel high and have values 1, - and 0. the - means do not care whether 1 or 0, that is just skip it.
VanGog wrote:And is possible to use Mophology to compare letters in Images?
For Example: ... aduz-2.jpg
On the image is Town "Sevelen" and I would want do some operation with it.
For example to check if the Sevelen is on the Photo or Get position of the red dot, which is placed just before the Sevelen title. Or possibly to convert the text from the image... But I think it would not be simple... Am I write? I would need whole alphabet to convert it ...
This section also gives you a deeper understanding of the kernel values.
Note that while most morphology operators only deal with three values in the kernel, 1, 0, and '-' for don't care (actually a floating point NaN (Not a Number)) others like Distance, and Convolution use full floating point values.