the source image:

opened and saved as "Monochrome Bitmap" in Windows 7 x64 Paint

and gocr recognizes all the numbers from the image
then because I need this stuff working in an AutoHotkey script, I have tried ImageMagick
at first it was as simple as
Code: Select all
convert in.jpg -monochrome in.pcx

then i tried another approach
Code: Select all
convert in.jpg -colors 2 -monochrome in.pcx

still not the result I pursued
I tried few hours to obtain the same result as in MS Paint but with no luck.
Neither of trials was recognized by gocr.
The most similar was to use contrast:
Code: Select all
convert in.jpg -contrast-stretch 700x0 -monochrome in.pcx

But the text gocr recognized:
Code: Select all
Please Help, i have tried various dithering methods too with no luck
Maybe you have a better experience with ImageMagick and could reproduce the monochrome image from mspaint with ImageMagick.