Issue with 64 IMDisplay [6.7.8-2-Q16-windows-x64-dll]

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Issue with 64 IMDisplay [6.7.8-2-Q16-windows-x64-dll]

Post by LeFauve »


I've been using various versions of ImageMagick for a while, but it's the first time I install it on a 64bits platform (Win7 Enterprise 64 bits).

I tried to install this version: ImageMagick-6.7.8-2-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe from ... hp#windows

Convert seems to work (I successfully created a logo.jpg from logo:), however, this is not the case of IMDisplay:
- If I launch IMDisplay with no parameter, it does open a window, and I can open and display any image. However, when I try to pass an image from the command line, nothing happen, and the process dies after a few seconds.
I tried both "imdisplay logo.jpg" and "type logo.jpg|imdisplay -", both fails

I tried to install vcredist_x86 and vcredist_x64 from the download page links: The first one was ok to install, but the second one complained that a more recent version was already installed...
I find out a "VC 2010 sp1 64 bits redist" which accepted to install.

This didn't solve the issue (Note that converted image (logo.jpg) opens correctly when using any other image display application).

On a different point, I tried to workaround the issue by using the "portable version" from the same download page (
This gave... another issue... For a start, it seems the archive contains 2 imdisplay.exe files IMDisplay.exe and imdisplay.exe.
Windows properties shows for both of them a version number of, but their size is slightly different (5598720 vs 5592064 bytes) and both of them just display usage instructions on stdout when launched without argument.
With an argument, they displays the same thing that identify!
After checking, the usage instructions they displays are the very same that the ones from identify! (except for the exe name)
Could this package be corrupted? (full url is: ...

I'm running out of ideas to try...
Any trail or link would be helpful.
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Re: Issue with 64 IMDisplay [6.7.8-2-Q16-windows-x64-dll]

Post by magick »

When we upgraded from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 under Windows, the IMDisplay program stopped working from the command line. You can still launch the program then use the menus to load an image. IMDisplay is a contributed program and we're not Windows programmers. We have hope someone from the ImageMagick user community with Windows development knowledge will submit a patch to fix this bug.
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Re: Issue with 64 IMDisplay [6.7.8-2-Q16-windows-x64-dll]

Post by LeFauve »

Thanks for the information.

I guess the easiest way to fix this for now would be to get an old static version of IMDisplay.
Could you by chance tell me when this Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 has been made (or in other words, what is the last IM version with a working IMDisplay)?

Also, that doesn't explain why the "portable version" features two IMDisplay.exe files, which are both copies of identify.exe
(Sorry, I probably should have created two topics since I now realize those are two unrelated issues)
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