Detect if page is in frame

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Detect if page is in frame

Post by galv »

I want to scan some documents and I want to know when a page is "in the frame" of the camera. What I mean by this is the optimal distance from camera to page document (but without cutting any of the document). I want to run the detection program in a loop, so that the user calibrates the camera distance for each document before scanning.

How can I do this?
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Re: Detect if page is in frame

Post by fmw42 »

galv wrote:I want to scan some documents and I want to know when a page is "in the frame" of the camera. What I mean by this is the optimal distance from camera to page document (but without cutting any of the document). I want to run the detection program in a loop, so that the user calibrates the camera distance for each document before scanning.

How can I do this?

You will need to explain in more detail and possible show examples of what you mean by in frame and out of frame.
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