Updated the sigmoidal resize variation example. Give it an hour or so (three images instead of four)
http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize ... _sigmoidal
Removed the 'special' filter in favour of a standard "Lanszos", for better comparison between linear colorspace resizing of using tensor (to pass 1-d), cylindrical (2-d), and sigmoidal (2-d).
Also changed the value from 6 to 6.5 to clear show that that value is a floating point value!!! That can be important to other users wanting to try this out, without explicitly emphasising that fact in text they often don't read!
Added notes about how this is 'similar' to resizes in sRGB colorspace, though not the same, and HenryWho's comment about it being more suitable for enlargements only.
Nickolas, I prefer not to include very large images in the example pages, which has an extreme number of images already. However the example is now quite clearly showing the resulting benefit of a sigmoidal modification to the colorspace.
ASIDE: I also added a new example in Ringing Artifacts
This clearly shows how different resize vs distort is with regards to the ringing artifacts produced by Sinc/Jinc filters.