Error 500 IIS 7.5, FastCGI, PHP 5.3.13

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Error 500 IIS 7.5, FastCGI, PHP 5.3.13

Post by MrBurns »


I get HTTP-Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error using Imagick 2012-08-04 Q16

I want to use ImageMagick on a Windows system but could not get it working.
My System is a Windows 7 Professional 32 bit, IIS 7.5 using FastCGI and
PHP 5.3.13. I installed ImageMagick as described under ... p-imagick/

(although the description is for Apache on Windows)

The DOS commandline tool for ImageMagick is working.
I downloaded the php_imagick.dll from ... lds/php53/

and put it inside ext folder of PHP. I also updated php.ini, inside phpinfo.php I cans see the Imagick section.

If I use simple code to create an image:
(image a.jpg is available inside same folder as my php file)

$im = new imagick( 'a.jpg' );
// resize by 200 width and keep the ratio
$im->thumbnailImage( 200, 0);
// write to disk
$im->writeImage( 'a_thumbnail.jpg' );

I get following error:

HTTP-Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
C:\Program Files\PHP\v5.3\php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI-Process terminated unexpectedly.

Modul: FastCgiModule
Message: ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler: PHP53_via_FastCGI
Errorcode: 0x000000ff

Is there any way to make imagick working under IIS7.5 and FastCGI / PHP 5.3.13?

Thanks for any support!

Best regards,

T. Burns
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Re: Error 500 IIS 7.5, FastCGI, PHP 5.3.13

Post by meralaz »

Hi MrBurns, My development environment is similar to yours, were you able to have a solution to the imageMagick issue you had?

- windows 2008 server
- II7
- PHP 5.3.10
- imagick is installed (I hope properly)
- Checked if class exists, and it does. (if (class_exists('Imagick')) {})
- Checked if I can create an imagick obj, creates object (new Imagick();)
- applied method and that worked too! ($image ->setResolution(72, 72); )
-But whenever I am trying to work with any image I have in folder, I get a 500 - Internal server error..
Any of the below will generate a 500 error:
- $image = new Imagick('images/logo.jpg'); or
- $image ->readImage("images/logo.jpg"); or anything that involves accessing an image from a folder.

I am confused and been struggling for days installing it and now this.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2012-08-10T02:27:11-07:00
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Re: Error 500 IIS 7.5, FastCGI, PHP 5.3.13

Post by MrBurns »

Dera meralaz,

sorry for the late answer.
But unfortunately I still have the same problem and no solution :(

Best regards
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