first of all this post is not a request for help, but meant to help others having the same task at hand. I just have a short question regarding memory handling at the end.
I have a C++ project where it is necessary to grap YUV 4:2:2 video frames from a running GStreamer pipeline and process them with ImageMagick. As usual there is more than one method to tackle the issue.
At first I set up my GStreamer pipeline to produce a JPEG image snapshot (each nth of a second) on the file system with the help of the "jpegenc" and "multifilesink" GStreamer elements. If a frame is needed, the snapshot file is moved to another location on the filesystem, so that it is not overwritten by the next frame. This works fine, but then I wanted to have some finer control of the process and reduce the overhead. Overhead refers to the fact, that I only needed some frames from the pipeline and not all. But with the given setup, every nth frame of a second from the pipeline got encoded into a JPEG file, where I only needed a handful from about a thousand frames.
So, I started to use the "appsink" element from GStreamer to handle the frames directly in the application memory instead, without using the filesystem as an intermediate storage.
Depending on the colorspace used by your GStreamer pipeline you might have to transform it into the YUV encoding with the help of the "ffmpegcolorspace" GStreamer element like
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autovideosrc ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-yuv,format=(fourcc)UYVY ! appsink
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// "buffer" is an instance of QGst::BufferPtr and taken from appsink
// import image data into ImageMagick facilities
Magick::Blob imageData(buffer->data(), buffer->size());
// create image from raw YUV 4:2:2 data
Magick::Image *image = new Magick::Image();
image->size(Magick::Geometry(800, 600));
image->imageInfo()->sampling_factor = new char[6];
strcpy(image->imageInfo()->sampling_factor, "4:2:2");
// image now contains the frame from the GStreamer pipeline as an ImageMagick object
Of course you can make GStreamer store the video frame in "RGB", too -- though I did not test it.:
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autovideosrc ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-rgb,depth=24,bpp=24 ! appsink
My only question is: Do I have to free the memory of the old sampling factor? I assume it is just some internal standard value reused over and over again.
PS: This post from francholi helped me along the way
PPS: Post was edited after I realized how handy "ffmpegcolorspace" is.