I'm storing tons of pngs in a revision control system... Every time I render, the create:date and modify:date are set to the current date, so it looks like they all changed, and I get useless commits where it looks like 100% of the files have changed.
I've tried for hours to get ImageMagick to NOT set the dates to the current date. Here I've thrown every option I can find at the convert command... no change, imagemagick still sets date:create and date:modify.
Code: Select all
$ convert -resize 128x128 -strip -define png:exclude-chunk=date +set modify-date +set create-date tumblr.png tumblr.out.png
$ identify -verbose tumblr.png
date:create: 2012-08-19T19:56:17-07:00
date:modify: 2012-08-19T19:56:17-07:00
png:IHDR.bit_depth : 8
$ identify -verbose tumblr.out.png
date:create: 2012-08-21T09:39:06-07:00
date:modify: 2012-08-21T09:39:06-07:00
png:IHDR.bit_depth : 8
Thank you for any ideas! I'm baffled.