image created with im won't display in ie

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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image created with im won't display in ie

Post by mrdo »

hi there,

i'm converting a tiff to a gif using ImageMagick. unfortunately, the resultant image refuses to display in internet explorer (tested in ie6 and ie8).
the image displays no problem in firefox.
when i open the gif and resave in irfanview the image displays properly.

i've run identify -verbose against both images and they seem identical to me.

i'm using the following command to convert from tiff to rgb and then rgb to gif :

stream.exe -map rgb -storage-type char -extract 5496x7694+0+0 "Image.tiff[0]" "Image.rgb"

convert.exe -size 5496x7694 -density 200 -quality 40% -depth 8 rgb:"Image.rgb" "Image_preview.gif"

any ideas about how i can convert the image so that it will display correctly in ie ?
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by fmw42 »

I do not know anything about stream. But perhaps your image is CMYK and that might be a problem for ie browsers. Check the verbose information for your tiff file. I do not know if gif supports CMYK, but I doubt it.

identify -verbose image.tiff

If it is CMYK, then you probably need to convert to sRGB using either profiles if in the tiff file or via -colorspace.

What happens if you just use convert to process your image

convert image.tiff[5496x7694+0+0] image.gif

Does that work?
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by mrdo »

hi there,

thanks for taking the time to reply.

both images are sRGB.

using convert takes approx. 5 minutes and results in the same problem. :-(

thanks again
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by fmw42 »

what version of IM and platform are you on? perhaps you need to upgrade IM?
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by mrdo »

hi there,

it's version 6.7.6 q16 running on windows 7 64-bit.

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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by fmw42 »

Does it happen with all your tiffs or just that one?

Do you have a smaller one or a subsection of that tiff that fails that you could post a link so others can try?
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by mrdo »

hi there,

sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

it happens to lots of my tiffs but not all and i can't see much of a pattern in the ones that fail.

unfortunately, i can't post any of the files publicly as they are sensitive.

i have no problem when i change the output format to jpg.

thanks again
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by mrdo »

having noticed some other complaints about gifs created using im not displaying correctly, i've sensibly decided to change the output format to png.

unfortunately, the filesize has crept up - do you have any suggestions for parameters that i can use to lower the filesize ?

thanks again
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by fmw42 »

output to PNG8:output.png

That will make it 8bit color similar to gif

see sections on GIF and PNG at
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Re: image created with im won't display in ie

Post by mrdo »

thanks again for your help - will give it a try when i'm back at the office.

much appreciated !
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